Joe, Graham, and Giorgio presenting to the students of St. Timothy’s Catholic School on the subject of sacred music.
“When children encounter beautiful song, it’s natural for them to want to imitate it”
On March 11th, Floriani participated in the Diocese of Phoenix Catholic Schools Spring In-Service, where 600 preschool and elementary school teachers, staff, and administrators met to discuss Catholic education and new services offered to schools. Not only did we help kick off the event by singing for the Mass, but we presented on the history of sacred music, and teaching sacred music. Giorgio and Thomas lead two groups of about 20 educators through the method of learning chant utilized in our Chant School podcast, and in less than 20 minutes each group was able to sing the Ave Maris Stella, many of them having little or no musical experience. Twelve schools signed up to have us for workshop and concert series for their students.
We believe that Catholic schools should be implementing these simple methods to teach children to chant from a young age. “When children encounter beautiful song, it’s natural for them to want to imitate it,” says Thomas, who has experienced this first hand with his daughters. “They’re constantly humming chants they hear me sing, and my eldest will try to orchestrate harmonies, assigning simple parts to her younger sisters.” This music, uncommon and otherworldly as it may be, is accessible, and we ought to let the beauty speak for itself, rather than presume it too lofty for the youth. By sharing the chant with as many children as possible, we believe we can shape the musical landscape of the future generation in favor of this beautiful tradition.

Giorgio speak to Catholic educators from around the Valley on the interesting history of Gregorian chant, and its roots in the Jewish Temple.

Children are oftentimes more receptive to beauty than we give them credit. Though Gregorian chant is uncommon, kids respond attentively to hearing it performed.
Men’s Schola Sings for 1st and 3rd Sundays In Lent
Our Men’s Schola at St. Anne’s sang for its first Mass on March 6th, the 1st Sunday of Lent. They sang the Introit, Ordinaries, and the Communion Antiphon followed by Ave Maria by Franz Beibl. For many of them, this was there first experience singing for the Mass, and after only a month of practice, they did a wonderful job!
The men have made great progress, and this past Sunday served the Mass with their voices yet again.

Questions? Feel free to email us anytime at florianisacredmusic@gmail.com.
We are so grateful for your support! Please keep us in your prayers!
- Giorgio, Graham, Joe, and Thomas